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What To Pack For A Quick Weekend Getaway

By Haley Johnson

Are you ready for an impromptu weekend getaway? Whether you’re booking a staycation at your favorite hotel in town or boarding a cheap flight to a nearby destination, here is a quick weekend getaway guide for your packing list.


Planning your upcoming vacation was the fun part, but now you have to face the dreadful packing list.

Do you always seem to pack too much? Or do you forget that ONE THING you really wish you remembered? 


Here’s a list of packing items and suggestions to ensure you don’t make the same packing mistakes again. 


Travel-Sized Toiletries


There’s no need to bring your large bottle of shampoo and face wash for a couple nights. Instead, opt for travel-sized cosmetics and toiletries. Keep the bottles around and refill them with your larger bottles anytime they run out to minimize waste. 


Toothpaste Tablets 


A small container of toothpaste tablets, such as the ones made by Lush, are a great way to travel light and avoid TSA liquid bans.


Minimal Clothing


You probably need at least one of every article of clothing, such as one big jacket, one hat, one dress, and one raincoat. It’s always good to come prepared no matter what the weather brings. But in terms of your day-to-day clothes, try to be as minimal as possible. If you’re only gone for two nights then only bring two socks, two pairs of underwear, two shirts, and two pants. Figure out your outfits beforehand to ensure you don’t bring a bunch of extra clothes that take up space in your suitcase. And remember, a lot of items such as jeans, swimwear and cardigans can be worn twice!




Make sure to take a small bottle of mineral sunscreen everywhere you go. Even if you’re driving in the car or looking out the airplane window, sun rays can penetrate through glass and affect your skin. 




Save money and curve your cravings with some healthy snacks. Chewing gum, apples, chips, rice cakes, and protein bars will reduce costs at gas stations and airport stores. Just make sure these items aren’t liquid-based (such as yogurt), if you’re going through a security check.




Electronic chargers are oftentimes the most forgotten items to take, and to leave behind. Always do a double check to make sure you have your phone, wallet, keys, and… chargers!




Even a short weekend trip is worthy of quality photos. Make sure to bring your nice camera to show off memorable moments and sightseeing.


Reading Material


You can always find downtime to read amid a busy jam-packed weekend. Between waiting for a flight or waiting on a restaurant reservation, there are always opportunities to read a book or magazine. Plus you’re on vacation, so stop scrolling through your phone and enjoy some beach reads instead.




You never know when you might need a bit of cash. Nowadays, a lot of people don’t carry cash around daily. But on vacation, cash is useful for tipping hotel employees, buying souvenirs or food from markets and street stands, and purchasing small items like coffee.

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