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Home /Science / Can I Edit My KODAK Digitizing Box Digital Files?

Can I Edit My KODAK Digitizing Box Digital Files?

By Shelby Burr

We hear this question often, “Can I edit my KODAK Digitize Box Digital Files?” Short answer: YES! Long answer: Also yes!! Let’s break it down...

First and foremost, way to go! You digitized and saved your precious family memories.

These memories will be saved and cherished for years to come and it’s all thanks to you. Your family legacy has been preserved and now you can relive your memories again and again! Now that you have your KODAK Digitizing Box back, what next?


Whether you have your digital files through thumb drive, DVD or digital download, you now have complete freedom to do whatever you like with YOUR memories. We are so thankful that we were here to help you preserve your memories, but don’t forget that they are still 100% yours! And, the way that your memories were digitized are completely unlocked to you. There is no restriction or limit with what you can do with your digitized memories! 

Using your digital download, thumb drive, or DVD, you can make duplicate files of your memories and send them to friends and family! You can also use those duplicate files on a video editing platform to edit your home movies! Add music to them, transitions, trim footage, etc. Your files are compatible to work on any video editing platform! You can also grab still shots / screenshots of video footage! If you ever have a question that is along the lines of “Now that my memories are digitized, can I edit them?” the answer will always be “YES!”

You have complete freedom to run wild with your memories! Share them on social media, upload them to your youtube account, even burn it onto a dvd and mail it off to your relatives who live across the globe. When it comes to your memories, the world is your oyster! Have fun with your precious memories and share them for all the world to see.

This article is short and sweet, just like the answer to “Can I edit my digital files?” The answer will always be “yes” with us. You took the right step to digitize your memories and keep them safe forever. You can also take the additional fun step to do whatever you like with your memories now that they are safe! Enjoy them, share them, cherish them. Your past is important. 

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