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Home /DIY / DIY: Photo Placemats

DIY: Photo Placemats

By Katy Sommerfield

They say that the way to the heart is through the stomach, and we couldn’t agree more. There’s nothing quite like the magic of a home-cooked meal, warm and delicious and filled with happy memories from past years. Whether it’s an Italian lasagna, a pad Thai, a pot pie, or whatever your favorite homemade meal is, nothing else tastes quite as good.

We think the only thing that can make a home-cooked meal better is to enjoy it with those you love the most.
That’s why this photo placemat DIY is so great! Whether you’re homesick and need a little reminder of family, or you’re having a reunion and need cute decor, these placemats will do the trick. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Tagboard
  • Selection of photos
  • Craftbond glue stick
  • Heavy books
  • Laminator (or use a printing service)

Step one

Cut the tagboard into 14x20” rectangles. Make as many rectangles as you need for the places at your dining table. 

Step two

Arrange the photographs you have chosen onto the tagboard. Once you have a designated layout, glue the photographs onto the tagboard using the Craftbond glue stick. Lay heavy books on top of the placemats for 24 hours to ensure that the photographs bond well to the tagboard. 

Step three

Finally, you can laminate the placemats at home using a laminator, or take them to a printing service where they will laminate them there for you.

Once you have the placemats laminated, they are ready to be used! These are a great gift for family and loved ones, or a great piece of decor for your dining room table. What a creative way to show off your original analog media!

Make sure that before you make these placemats you have your photographs digitized through KODAK Digitizing! The only way to truly preserve your photographs is through digitization. At Kodak, we can take your photos and make digital copies of them for you to access easily on any device. That way, you’ll always have a backup of your most favorite memories captured on photo. What are you waiting for? Try KODAK Digitizing out today.

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