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Home /Travel / Things to Do on a Long Bus Ride

Things to Do on a Long Bus Ride

By Dillon Wallace

With today’s popularity, along with the cost and convenience of flying to destinations, the idea of a long bus ride doesn’t have the same allure it once did. It’s gone the way of the train. Although a cheaper alternative to flying, does the cost of flight outweigh the time spent on the road?

Maybe? Maybe not?
That all depends on the person, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time on a long bus ride. In fact, it may make the journey there even sweeter than your destination, providing some really memorable moments along the way.


I still remember two very distinct long bus rides when I was a kid. One of them was with my family as we set out to Colorado to go skiing at Crested Butte. I was 12 years old and it was my first long bus ride. I remember thinking the idea of a sleeper seat/bed combo was the coolest thing ever. It was snowing beautiful big flakes on the way there and the memory is perfectly frozen (oh, puns) in my mind forever. The second bus ride was a school trip to Washington D.C. I was a junior in high school and all my friends were there. The 15+ hour trip from Kansas was full of card games, video games, inside jokes, snacks and everything in between. It might have been the most fun 15-hour ride of my life.


So, you see, bus rides can be really fun as long as you have things to do to pass the time. Let’s check some of the best ones out!


Game on

The secret to any long ride/trip is entertainment. And living in the 21st century, we’ve got oodles of options when it comes to entertainment. The best form of all – games. The Nintendo Switch was literally made to be portable. If you and a friend, or two, have one of these amazing little gaming devices, you’re set for your destination. If you don’t have video games, grab a deck of cards for dozens of fun game options. And if you don’t have a deck of cards, there’s always 21 questions, I spy or BINGO road trip edition.


If you’ve never tried a BINGO road trip, a long bus ride is the time to start. Create a BINGO board littered with all sorts of roadside attractions like cows, abandoned barns, customized license plates, old VW bugs and prepare to have yourself a grand ol’ time collecting that B-I-N-G-O.


Road trip and chill

On a long bus ride, you’re captive to the inside of a large moving vehicle for long stretches of time. With the ability to stream and watch the latest and greatest shows right at your fingertips, what more do you need? Move over Netflix and chill. It’s time to road trip and chill. So, binge watch away!


Fuel up

The key to a long bus ride is to remember that the bus isn’t the only thing that needs fuel. It’s important to keep the encroaching effects of hunger at bay so you don’t get hangry and ruin the trip for yourself and everyone else in your proximity. So, make sure you load up on your favorite snacks. Who cares if they’re healthy. YORO (you only ride once)!



What’s something that can keep you entertained for hours on end and requires nothing but your eyes and a little solitude? Reading. Yes, people still do it, and contrary to popular belief, it’s still one of the oldest and best forms of entertainment. Let your imagination run wild.


Catch some Zzz’s

You know the best part about a long bus ride versus a long car ride? No one has to worry about taking turns driving. That means you can catch up on some much needed sleep as you’re lulled to sleep by the soothing hum of tires meeting miles of pavement.


Dear diary

Long bus rides are a perfect time for self-reflection. There’s something internally insightful about watching the rolling scenery pass you by across foreign state lines. Whether you’re a journaler, poet, lyricist or just looking to express your thoughts from pen to paper, here’s the time to do it.


Mobile hobbies

Okay, so you won’t be able to bring your golf clubs for a round of 18 on the bus, that doesn’t mean you have to leave all your hobbies at home. Consider picking up that crochet or knitting project you’ve been meaning to get to; use the time to help yourself learn another language; or sketch or draw to relieve some creativity. Heck, now’s as good a time as any to learn that illustrious spinning pen trick. It looks so cool!


However you decide to travel is up to you, but know that if you opt for the cheaper bus fare, there’s a lot more you can get done with the extra time. Just saying.

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