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Home /DIY / Homemade Gifts for Father's Day

Homemade Gifts for Father's Day

By Shelby Burr

The best day to celebrate your dad is coming up (besides his birthday) and that’s Father’s Day! We all love a good DIY, but let’s make it a little more hearty and dad focused so that you can give your dad a great Father’s Day gift

Homemade Cards

One easy and great DIY gift for your dad is a classic, handmade card. Cards are heartfelt and provide a great way to say something thoughtful and meaningful to your dad. And the best thing is, you can create your card to look like anything you want! Here are some fun ideas:

For the Kiddos:

  • Cut out some construction paper into the shape of a heart and fold it down the middle. Your dad can have a big heart card to celebrate him this year!
  • Cut out some fish shaped pieces of paper and glue a few pieces of string to their mouths. Draw your dad fishing in a boat and glue the string to his fishing rod! Your dad caught some cool fish!
  • Get extra creative and write your dad a poem to show how strong, smart, and awesome he is! When he opens his card, he will be so surprised that you went the extra mile. 

For the Adults:

  • Photos go a long way. Print off your favorite photo of your dad and glue it inside your homemade card or on the front of the card. That way, he can save your card and even frame it so he can always keep that photo.
  • If you like surprising your dad and always keeping him on his toes, when making a card, sprinkle a little glitter on the inside before folding it into an envelope. He will never see this glitter bomb coming. Just make sure he is might go everywhere. 

Hand Print with Dad

One thoughtful gift idea is to create a family hand print. All you need is some paint, a piece of wood and (maybe) a paint brush. Whether you have a large family, or a perfectly small one, this gift will be a homerun for sure. Simply gather your family members (or even family friends!) and paint everyone’s hand. Have them press their one painted hand into the wood and lift. They can write their name next to their hand so you know who’s hand is who’s. 

Make sure you leave an open spot in the middle for your dad’s hand. He will be the center. When you give him the gift, bring the paint with you! He can press his hand in the center right then and there. Once it’s dry, he can hang this in his home, display it on his firemantle, or even have it represented in the garage where he might be from time to time (it’s a common place for dad’s to hang). 

And if it’s just you and your pops, that’s perfect too. Your hand right next to his. It will make him proud.

Picnic Gift

Alright, we all know that a great way to your father’s heart is to his stomach. So, this is the perfect DIY gift idea for your dad this Father’s day! Pack up a picnic of his favorite foods, some nice cold lemonade, and a big ole blanket. Head to a park, his favorite thinking spot, or to the beach! 

And if you’re worried weather will be a problem, no worries. If it’s raining or too cold out, have an indoor picnic! Move your furniture out of the way, lay some blankets and pillows down, and enjoy some good food! You can talk, play board games, or watch a movie together!

Father’s Day Coupons

Easy, simple, and it gives your dad the power to tell you what to do - guilt free. Every parent’s dream! Get some fun paper, markers, glitter, whatever you want to create your father’s day coupons. Here are some fun coupon ideas that you can do for your dad:

  • Homemade Meal Coupon: You get one meal made from scratch and filled with love
  • Time To Tee Up: You get one free round of golf!
  • Kick Back Coupon: You get one, 10 min foot massage. You’re welcome.
  • Relax for a Day: Laundry, tidying up the house, dishes. Forget about it! You relax, work on a project you’ve been waiting to do or watch that movie you’ve been saving for months. I’ll take care of the rest.
  • Day with Dad: Let’s have a day of fun together! Ice cream, movies, walk around the park. You name it!

Your dad will love some quality time with you, and also feeling pampered with some Father’s Day Coupons!

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