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Home /Travel / How Can I Watch My Hi8 Tapes?

How Can I Watch My Hi8 Tapes?

By Mollee Shannon

Remember, they’re those tiny tapes used in old camcorders? Those are Hi8 tapes, and if your family did any at-home recording in the 1990s or early 2000s, you’ve probably got some of these little cassettes hiding out in the basement or attic.

It can be exciting to discover an old stash of family media, but how can you actually find out what is on those old devices? 

You Might Be in Luck! 

If, along with that stash of tapes, your family also managed to save the video camera, you can hook up that camera to your TV, like you did during the Hi8 golden age. You can press play on your video camera and settle in on your couch to watch that family footage. However, it’s probably a bit unlikely, both the camera and the adapter cable were preserved. 

Some families owned an adapter cassette, a full sized VHS device that allowed the Hi8 tape to be placed inside, which could then be played in a regular VCR. If you find yourself with tapes and no devices, you might be able to find some of these older items at a thrift store, or potentially a resale site, like eBay. 

Hunting Obsolete Tech 

It can be a hassle to hunt down this obsolete technology. If you’re lucky enough to find these devices at the thrift store, there’s always a chance the devices won’t work when you get them home. Also, sites like eBay are great for finding old tech, but you’ll have to bid on an auction, or potentially overpay to purchase the tech on the spot. In other words, by the time you track down that tech and hook up your updated TV or computer, you might even find that your tapes are blank, since you can never tell by looking at a cassette whether there is any content. 

KODAK Digitizing Box Can Help 

Why spend precious time tracking down all of this obsolete tech when KODAK Digitizing Box already has everything needed to convert your Hi8 tapes to a digital format? These digitized files can be uploaded to DVDs for easy viewing on your TV, or a thumb drive or digital download for easy viewing and sharing with family members. And if your tape turns out to be blank or nothing but white noise? We are always happy to provide a credit and waive payment for those particular tapes. The best part is that all you have to do is order your all-in-one kit from KODAK Digitizing Box, pack your kit, which comes complete with a welcome guide and packing instructions, and send your media to our digitizing facility, where one of our expert technicians will know exactly how to transfer your memories to an easy to view format of your choice. So forget those thrift store shelves or bidding in online auctions for outdated tech. Let KODAK Digitizing Box’s experts take care of your media for you!

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