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Home /Science / Cold Weather and Your Memories

Cold Weather and Your Memories

By Shelby Burr

Brrr!!! We are in the winter season and the cold. Is. here! Snow is falling, water is freezing, schools are closing and the heat is being cranked up in every home! As we snuggle up to some warm blankets, a nice mug of hot chocolate and a warm, crackling fire in the fireplace...what isn’t snuggled and protected from the cold weather?

 Hmm...what are we missing? OH! Your precious, priceless, one-of-a-kind home memories.
This probably wasn’t the first thing that came to mind, but you’ll be thankful we brought it up! Your special home movies, photos and film are sitting somewhere in your home, your garage, your basement...or even your storage unit, and they are feeling the wrath of the winter weather.


So, what exactly happens to your memories in the cold? Great question! 


  • The cold can fade your memories and slowly deteriorate.

  • If there was moisture or water where you stored your memories, they can freeze and break.

  • Animals need warmth. Little critters love to shred paper/plastic to make a warm, fluffy nest...Your photos and film would make a great material for just that!

  • If your memories are sitting through the season, the freeze from the winter and the heat from the summer will cause your tapes or film to expand and contract. This means it will crack and break.


Now that you know your memories are at risk, “How do I save my memories?” you might ask. Another great question! And this comes with two simple solutions! First solution, store them in an environmentally safe space. This could be placing your memories in a  sealed tight, weather proof tub. Make sure the tub is then placed in a nice, dry and room temperature room (maybe your bedroom closet, a craft room or guest room).

Now, we understand that it’s not entirely ideal to place all of your memories in every room of your home. That’s why KODAK Digitizing can help you consolidate your home movie space and give you the ability to share and save your memories forever! It’s super simple. Fill your memories into the KODAK Digitizing Box, send it off and you’ll receive all of your original content PLUS all of your digitized memories on DVD, thumb drive or digital download. 


Digitizing will be the safest way to preserve and protect your memories from the cold. Not only will your memories live forever, but it will now become so easy to share your incredible, unique, one-of-a-kind memories with your family and friends. Share videos on Facebook, send photos via email to your cousins and watch film home movies with your family at your next reunion! Easy, fun and will last forever.

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