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Home /Entertainment / How Do I Get Pictures off Old Negatives?

How Do I Get Pictures off Old Negatives?

By Dillon Wallace

Finding a pile of old, forgotten negatives may not seem like a big deal at first glance. After all, they’re virtually useless as is. Unless you like squinting your eyes to see tiny x-ray-like images void of color. But, if you look a little deeper, that stack of undeveloped film is worth its weight and more in nostalgic gold. So many stories just waiting to be untold. Memories longing to be remembered.


But that begs the age-old question, “how do I get pictures off old negatives?”


Well, there’s a couple ways, really, and one of them is a future-proof method that will save you money and worry in the long run. But, let’s start with the traditional route first.


Get your negatives developed

Seems like a no brainer, right? After all, people have been sending their negatives to professionals for development for more than a century. And, in return, you get a nice set of freshly developed prints to frame, hang, share or preserve in dusty castaway binders for decades to come.


It’s the tried-and-true method that was, but does that make it the method that should be?

No, because you should get your negatives digitized and here’s why.


Get your negatives digitized

By digitizing your negatives, you’re not only getting to see what’s been hiding on those brown little strips over the years, but you’re also preserving them for many more years to come. Prolonging the lives of your photos.


You see, actual photographs and prints are great for displaying but what you don’t realize is that photo is under constant attack by time and other natural factors that are out of your control. It’s why old photographs tend to look dingy and yellow, almost void of any vibrancy. Because despite your best efforts to keep them safe and well cared for, you can’t stop the elements (light, moisture and humidity, and dirt/grime from getting to your photos. Even photo albums aren’t solve-all solutions.


But you know what is?


You guessed it, digitization.


When you send you negatives into Kodak for digitizing, we’ll take the physical bulk off your hands and worry off your mind. Our cutting-edge digitization process makes it easier than ever to send in your negatives (and other analog media for that matter) in a convenient prepaid box. From there, our professional preservationists get to work digitizing your old film with the latest digitizing technology.



When we’re all done, we’ll make sure to send you back all your old negatives along with shiny new digital copies via thumb drives, DVDs or cloud downloads.


Now, you can share, post and preserve your memories with all the digital ease and none of the physical burden.


So, the next time you hear someone ask, “how can I get pictures off my old negatives?” Just tell them, Kodak Digitizing. We’ll take it from there!

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