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Home /Travel / National Parks to Visit in 2020

National Parks to Visit in 2020

By Christian Roemer

Since you’re on the KODAK Digitizing blog, there’s probably one thing on your mind: photos and videos. I personally think that photography is one of the most important developments in the history of humanity. We’re able to preserve images of things that weren’t possible before. We can see things the way people actually see them. In prior times, paintings were the only way to try and preserve stuff for posterity, but artists are prone to exaggeration.

A photo is a photo. Sure, things like photoshop exist, but for the most part, photography is always going to be more true to the subject than almost any other medium.
What does photography have to do with traveling? Well, what is traveling if you’re not snapping a whole slew of photos? If you don’t come back from your travels with tons of photos, did you even travel? The answer is probably no.


When it comes to traveling in the USA and taking photos, there aren’t better destinations than our incredible national parks. These sprawling landscapes represent some of the most dramatic and beautiful geological features in the world. Our national parks are a treasure. They’re also perfect for taking amazing pictures.

In honor of our prospective travel plans in 2020, here’s a list of the top 5 most photographable national parks in the USA. While it’s basically impossible to just pick 5, these are my personal favorites.


Yosemite National Park

There aren’t many places in the world that can match Yosemite’s grandeur. Being in Yosemite Valley and hiking around feels otherworldly. You can basically stand anywhere in the park, get out your camera, and take a picture that looks like you used a cheat code. For the best picture possible, go for Tunnel View, Cloud’s Rest, or grab a lottery ticket to the top of Half Dome.


Zion National Park

Zion is like Yosemite but with sandstone. The dramatic red cliffs tower over the Virgin River, and the experience is magical. Driving through this park is a really neat experience, and Angel’s Landing is one of the coolest (and scariest) hiking trails in the USA. For the best picture, scramble down to the front of Angel’s Landing or look up while hiking The Narrows.


Grand Tetons National Park

The Grand Tetons are jagged, rock escarpments that jut out above the Rocky Mountains. Perhaps a bit less traveled than its neighbor, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons is every bit as incredible as the giant caldera a few clicks north. Hike in green meadows while admiring the sheer beauty of the Tetons. For the best picture, go to the Snake River overlook.


Glacier National Park

It’s actually really important that Glacier is on this list. Why, you might be asking? Well, the glaciers are disappearing from the park. Once boasting hundreds of ice sheets, now there are fewer than 20. That means, if you want to capture the true glory of the park, you’re going to have to get there soon. Swinging by Lake McDonald is one of the most magnificent places in the whole world.


Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The Smokies might not be as breathtakingly magnanimous as some of the other places on this list, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some really awesome spots to get incredible photos. When the clouds roll over its green peaks, you’re guaranteed some moody and dynamic pics. For the best spots, check out Cade’s Cove or Mt. Leconte.

When it comes to traveling and getting incredible photos, our national parks are some of the best places to do it. There are some gems in state parks also, but very few can come close to comparing to the big boys.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go hit the road and take some amazing pictures!

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