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Home /Travel / Should I Throw Out My VHS Tapes?

Should I Throw Out My VHS Tapes?

By Mollee Shannon

So you’ve digitized your VHS tapes with KODAK Digitizing Box. Congratulations! You now have a library of digital content full of your family memories. Still, you might be nervous about tossing those VHS tapes, even though you’ve made the decision to digitize. Here are some things you might consider. 


Storage Space

Storage is always a question when storing a large collection of analog media, like VHS tapes. Many people choose to digitize for this exact reason. VHS tapes are bulky and require a lot of space to store. If you don’t mind taking up the space, you can watch your VHS tapes with nostalgia, while enjoying your digitized media. Always remember to store your VHS tapes in a cool, dry environment to prevent the accumulation of mold and mildew. 


VHS Trade 

Believe it or not, 2020 saw the rise in enthusiasm for old VHS Tapes. Instagrammers have created a niche industry for old VHS tapes, whether they’re smash hits, such as Star Wars or even more run of the mill VHS tapes of old WWF matches, featuring stars, such as Hulk Hogan. Check online for prices, and you might just find that you have a gold mine  of VHS tapes. 


Recycling VHS Tapes

Many people choose to toss their VHS tapes when they have the digitized files. However, it’s wise to take some precautions. For example, be sure to upload your VHS tape footage from your flash drive to your cloud page. It’s always good to keep your VHS tape footage in multiple places. Then, you can feel more confident about recycling. It’s always best to recycle your VHS tapes, and throwing them out in the garbage can should be avoided. Recycling can prevent a load of VHS tape plastic from ending up in a landfill. 

You’ll find that digitizing your VHS tapes with KODAK Digitizing Box is simple! Simply place an order for the number of items you’d like to digitize. Don’t forget 1 VHS tape = 1 item! Simply barcode your items and pack up with our easy-to-use shipping kit, send us your VHS tapes, and you’ll receive those tapes back, along with your digital content. Then, you can decide whether you’d like to clear out some storage, or keep your tapes for generations! You never know! Vinyl came back, VHS tapes might too! 

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