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Exploring Your Hometown

By Christian Roemer

The Holiday's are upon us, and for most of us that means travel! If your not planning to get away for the holiday, why not replicate the fun at home?

There’s a pretty good chance that there are loads of fun things to do in your own backyard, you just have to be willing to explore a little bit.

For this article, I’ll use Chattanooga as my home base, because it is my home base. I’m also going to give three big tips on how to get out and see a new side of the town that you’ve probably never experienced before.


Tip 1: Don’t use your GPS.

The best way to explore your hometown is to actually explore it. Using GPS removes all creativity from your travels. I think it’s OK to find destinations that you might like to see on a map before you leave, but don’t be strict with the directions, and don’t turn your GPS on. You want to go down streets you’ve never seen. You want to learn new road names. You want to explore. Amerigo Vespucci didn’t have a map when he was traipsing around Brazil. I don’t think you need one to get around the place where you already live.

Tip 2: What’s your town famous for? Go visit it.

Chattanooga has some big attractions: Ruby Falls, Rock City, an Aquarium, and more. Guess what? I’ve visited all of them. Most towns have something cool and noteworthy, so figure out what your town is known for and check it out. If you live in a small town, go see it again. Try new restaurants. Exploration is about more than just seeing things; it can be about experiencing new things too! You can do an Escape Room, for example. Sure, you’re not out and about, but you’re doing something new, which is, in its own way, a kind of exploring.

Tip 3: If you’re out of ideas, try the next town over.

Maybe you’ve already tapped out places in your own neighborhood to visit. That’s OK. I’m sure there’s another town nearby that you’ve never seen before in your life. Heck, if you live in a big city, there’s a good chance you’ve never been in some of the neighborhoods that are right around you. Here’s an example: I just looked at Google Maps, and there’s a town about 30 minutes away from me called Gruetli Laager. Gruetli Laager! Why have I never visited this mysterious place? It’s because I’ve been too narrow minded, that’s why.

If you’re looking for a quick getaway, explore your hometown! It’s easy, fun, and it’ll give you a new appreciation for the place you call home. Most people live in cities, which means that most people have no shortage of new places to check out. If you don’t live in a city, you probably live close to one, so the same thing applies.

Be creative, turn off your GPS, and get out there! There’s a whole town to see!

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